Saturday, February 4, 2012

Luxurious Shetland Roving

We're very pleased with the roving we got back from Gurdy Run Mill! Take a look. I'm finally getting the hang of spinning on my new Lendrum wheel but I know I'll never use all of this glorious roving so...
I'll be selling some here at the farm and on Etsy. I'll be happy to send samples if you like. Just comment below or email me!


  1. The link didn't take me to your Etsy shop....

    LOVE the background photo of your blog!!! Is that Shetland?

  2. Hmm, did you click on the word Etsy? It just worked on my end. Sometimes I get sooo frustrated w/ "faster and easier" technology! My shop name on Etsy is ShepherdValleyFarm.
    My background is from the Scottish Isles,not sure which one , but I pretend it's Shetland ; )

  3. When I click on the word, it takes me to Etsy's "Seller Registration, Step 1." But now that I know your shop name, I'll look you up that way (thanks!).
